Green Gap Arch: E63
[Constructed 1861]
Designers: Calvert Vaux 1824-1895 &
Jacob Wrey Mould 1825-1886 • England
Architectural Highlights
Dimensions: Width - 25 feet:
Height - 13 feet 3 inches.
Underpass: Length - 81 feet.
Balustrade (railing): Length - 100 feet:
Parapet (ledge) with posts at the pier (square stone supports).
Revetment (surface): Alberta sandstone from the quarry in New Brunswick.
Style: Detailed ashlar (squared building stone) continued with voussoirs (wedge shaped blocks forming the arch).
On a daily basis, horse carriages with passengers parade past the Green Gap Arch from the East Drive above. From atop the elegant stone balustrade, is a clear view of the
Wollman Rink to the west below while to the east resides the
Central Park Wildlife Center.
The walkway under the Drive is closed off to pedestrians ever since the reconstruction of the
Wildlife Center occurred in 1988.