Trefoil Arch: E73
[Constructed 1862]
Designers: Calvert Vaux 1824-1895
& Jacob Wrey Mould 1825-1886 • England
Architectural Highlights
Dimensions: Length - 15 feet 10 inches between abutments: Height - 11 feet 9 inches.
Passageway: Length - 66 feet.
Railing: Length - 110 feet.
Revetment (surface): Brownstone border with brick interior.
Surface Embellishments (Eastside): Round trefoil (an ornament in a three-lobe pattern) and two Gothic floral patterns on either side of the center archway. Adjacent are quatrefoils in round frames bordered by four small circles. The eastside railing is cast-iron.
Surface Embellishments (Westside): With curved rustic voussoirs (wedge-shaped stones), its buttresses are formed into round posts with floral patterns bordering a central stairway.
One of the most ornate and unique archways in Central Park would certainly be the Trefoil Arch. It is the only arch with two distinctly different aspects described above.