Daniel Webster: W72
[Unveiled 1876]
b. Salisbury (now in Franklin), New Hampshire • d. Marshfield, Mass.
Sculptor: Thomas Ball 1819-1911 • USA
High upon a pedestal, across from the east entrance to Central Park's
Strawberry Fields, is a bronze statue of Daniel Webster.
Poised with an air of haughtiness, he stands next to a podium with his overcoat draped over an array of books.
An American orator, lawyer and politician, Webster was best known as the 19th century's foremost advocate of American nationalism.
During his political lifetime he served as a U.S. congressman (1813-17, 1823-27), a U.S. senator (1827-41, 1845-50), and U.S. secretary of state (1841-43, 1850-52).