Wisteria Pergola: C70
[Constructed 1863]
Designers: Frederick Law Olmsted 1822-1903 • USA& Calvert Vaux 1824-1895 • England
The Wisteria Pergola overlooks the north end of the
Mall just short of 72nd Street and the
Terrace Bridge.
Olmsted and Vaux, the Park's designers, were surely inspired when they placed this long latticed patio, 130 feet long by 25 feet wide, at this location in the Mall.
The long crossbeams and many wooden supports are laced with wisteria vines and in the spring they bloom gloriously with delicate pale lavender flowers, which pleasantly overwhelm the senses with their incredible aroma. Though the view is now obscured by the
Bandshell it is still an enchanting place to stop for a rest or some peaceful contemplation.