Cop Cot: C60
As you enter
Artists' Gate at Central Park South, you will soon see a winding path to the left that leads up to a hill. At the top, stands a rustic shelter called Cop Cot, Anglo-Saxon for "hill top cottage."
Situated on a bedrock outcropping overlooking Center Drive below, Cop Cot is the Park’s largest rustic wood structure. This current shelter is a 1985 replica of one built in the early 1860s. It is a place for relaxing, reading or enjoying a quick meal outdoors.
In the spring when the many
Black Locust trees, which surround the shelter, are in full bloom the area is filled with their sweet scented fragrance.
This scenic atmosphere also offers a unique display of rare desert plants, such as the Yucca or Spanish Bayonet, which can be found on Cop Cot's southern slope.